
design framework

As a design-driven company, we have experience creating solutions on all platforms. With superlabs, you can build desirable mobile apps, adaptive web apps, or even complex cross-platform enterprise solutions with multiple user roles.

Our Design Values

Desirability and accessibility

To help you successfully attract and retain users, we deliver designs that are desirable, intuitive, and easy to use.

Lean UX and user-centricity

To quickly receive and react to user feedback, our experts concentrate on mission-critical features, iteratively implementing required functionality and updates.

Viability and scalability

To ensure your product is scalable, we plan a flexible and expandable information architecture and implement version control systems.

Cost effectiveness

To reduce your product’s time to market, we rely on our wide knowledge of UX patterns to deliver practical designs and avoid extra development efforts where possible.

Design Services

UI/UX and business analysis

Define the key needs and problems of your target audience.

Explore the environment around your product.

Deeply analyze industry standards and competitors’ solutions.

Prototyping and proof of concept

Compile a product information architecture, feature map, user role matrix, and initial user interface wireframes into an interactive prototype.

Test your ideas before investing in development

Multiplatform UX design

Obtain a consistent user experience across all platforms including web, mobile, wearables, and IoT devices.

Elaborate multiple user roles with role-specific functions that are properly distributed across platforms.

Design system implementation

Create stunning visuals and deliver a scalable and well-documented design system to keep the product’s look and feel consistent.

Speed up the implementation of new features with a modular design approach.

Need other UI and UX services not listed above?
Get in touch and learn what else we have to offer.

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Design Creation Approach

Our goal is to deliver a cost-effective, user-friendly,
and well-tested design solution that meets your business objectives.













Design Deliverables
You Get From SuperLabs

discovery phase image

Discover Phase

UX research
Competitor audit
User research
Environment analysis
User journey map
Problem statement
Unique value proposition
Information architecture
Mind maps
Environment analysis
Flow charts
Hypothesis wireframing
Low-fidelity wireframes
Mood board
Visual design concept
UI concept
UI kit creation

Development Phase

Visual design
Creating UI design
Asset delivery
Updating the UI kit
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support phase image

Support Phase

UX research
Competitor audit

What You Can Do
With Design Deliverables

Eliminate bottlenecks in your customer journey with a streamlined design solution.

Align your software product with new business processes and the ever-changing market reality.

Implement a consistent user experience across all products in your software ecosystem.

Develop a software product to enter a new market and acquire a new target audience.

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